Kit graphique Template agence mandataire de type Joomla - ref 102543
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Kit graphique 102543 Info:
Référence:   102543
Type: Joomla Templates
Auteur: RockThemes
Date de Création: 2020-05-29
Téléchargements: 9

Sources disponibles:

Logiciels requis:
Présent dans les catégories:
Avocat & Juridique  -  Plus populaire

Prix: 76.00€  73.00€   Prix Exclusif : 1934.00€

Rechercher des modèles de site sur les mots clés :
agence mandataire justice aide support consultant consultant audit personel entreprise comptabilité financier entreprise client



Sujet : : Society & People
: marketplace-membership : None
Tags : support
Caractéristiques : Sample content
author_user_id : 1768190
image-key-features :

joomla-compatibility : 3.9.x
joomla-engine : 3.9
lastmod : : 2022-01-30T08:20:45-05:00
livePreviewURL : ;s:6

Nom du template : Lawex - Law Firm Responsive Corporative Joomla Template
Description : 27:

When it comes to law services people tend to try to find the best possible option. And one of the most important characteristics is your reliability. This is why your website has to create an atmosphere of reliability. And it is important to find a website theme with a design that will attract clients. Yet, still, it has to be a website with a corporative design. It is important because you have to look like a law firm even on the internet.

And we have a website Joomla theme that will help you create such a website. It is a Lawex Joomla theme. As the name implies it is a product developed specially for law firms and companies that provide law services. And most importantly it is a pre-developed product and you can use it right after downloading. There is no reason to wait a few weeks before your website will be done or to pay extra money to the developer.

We know that your website also will be your business card. That is why our developed spend a lot of time to create a great and original color scheme. They made an accent on geometrical visual elements and added various CSS3 animations, transitions, and so on. You will also find here nice visual effects. Or you can add your visuals to decorate the Lawex Joomla theme. After all, it is a fully editable theme and you can play with a design as you wish.

It is also quite a compact theme and it will be easy to provide your clients with intuitive navigation.

There re also pre-developed pages for different types of law services. There are pages for civil rights law, military law, criminal law, and so on.

And due to top-notch coding, you can be sure that your website will be fast, responsive, and SEO-friendly.

Specially developed for law firms


Well-developed color theme

Useful pre-developed pages

Useful visual elements, effects, and UI kits

Contact form

Social media options

Web Forms : User Registration
Installation : ;s:8 Installation and set up instructions are attached (look for Documentation folder).
isFree : none
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-joomla
Types : Joomla Templates ;
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