Sujet : Graphics
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : dachshund
author_user_id : 2336246
image-key-features : 
lastmod : : 2020-09-17T23:50:54-04:00
Nom du template : Cute Dogs Vector Clipart - Illustration
: Preview screens or video URLs : 4: 
Description : This is a collection of 16 different cute dog illustrations with bones, bows, paw prints, and hearts by Melissa Held Designs. This includes a bulldog, scotties, and dachshunds. You can use these illustrations to create patterns, scrapbook paper, gift wrap,, cards, stickers, gift tags, and any other digital or paper craft project.
You will receive:
- 1 editable AI file
- 1 editable EPS file
- 20 PNG files on transparent backgrounds
*Mockups courtesy of Graphicburger
Thanks for looking!
*Patterns not included
ExcludeExclusive : Yes
isFree : none
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-illustrations
Types : Illustrations ;