Kit graphique Template beauté clinique de type Landing Page - ref 217806
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Page Précédente

Kit graphique 217806 Info:
Référence:   217806
Type: Landing Page Templates
Auteur: Metropolitanthemes
Date de Création: 2021-11-25
Téléchargements: 3

Sources disponibles:

Logiciels requis:
Présent dans les catégories:

Prix: 19.00€  18.00€   Prix Exclusif : 1934.00€

Rechercher des modèles de site sur les mots clés :
beauté clinique dentaire dentiste docteur santé santé soins soins-de-santés hopital médical médical soins médecine pharmacie vétérinaire bien-être dentaire clinique laboratoire



Sujet : Doctor
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : dental clinic
Caractéristiques : Tabs
author_user_id : 2175346
Bootstrap Version : 5.x
image-key-features :

isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
lastmod : : 2021-12-21T04:46:07-05:00
livePreviewURL :

Nom du template : Clinicbooth Medical Clinic and Office Landing Page Template
: Preview screens or video URLs : 4:

Description :

Clinicbooth Medical Clinic and Office Landing Page Template

Perfection is not an option in the medical sector, and we believe that the experience starts from the time your patience lands on your website or landing page, hence we designed Clinicbooth HTML5 Medical Clinic and Office Landing Page Template to meet the needs of converting patients to clients. This template was handcrafted based on the latest technology in the market for the Medical industry with the help of a doctor. Classically styles to help with easy of customization and brand reflection, in addition to a detailed documentation to help you understand the steps needed to publish your website online.

Clinicbooth HTML5 Medical Clinic and Office Landing Page is a one of a kind landing page template which you can rely on for your online business. get started on building your website without the need of a developer which would charge lots of dollars to have a website developed, we did the work and here it is, professionally delivered to you with continuous updates and amazing support team which you can rely on.

Clinicbooth HTML5 Medical Clinic and Office Landing Page Template matched the standards of W3c validation and HTML5 best practices.

What will you get with This HTML5 Template?

  1. Reliable Technical Support on Template Monster Platform
  2. Lifetime Updates
  3. HTML5 Template
  4. Template Documentation
  5. Icons used in Template
  6. Images used in Template
  7. Free Fonts

Clinicbooth Medical Clinic and Office Landing Page Template Caractéristiques

  1. One page navigation menu (Sticky Menu)
  2. Wide Hero Opener
  3. Pre-loader
  4. About us Section
  5. Pop-up
  6. Counter Section
  7. Services Section
  8. Functioning Contact Form
  9. Team Members Section
  10. Highlighted Call to Action Button Section
  11. Client testimonial Section
  12. Portfolio Section
  13. Pricing Table Section
  14. Back to Top Button
  15. Website Footer Section
  16. Pixel Perfect
  17. Free Google font used
  18. Fully Customizable
  19. Great Support
  20. Well Commented Code
  21. FontAwesome Icon
  22. Built on Bootstrap Latest version

advImage :

Images incluses : Yes
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-landing
Types : : Landing Page Templates ;
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