Sujet : : Home & Family
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : services
Caractéristiques : Responsive
author_user_id : 74342203
Bootstrap Version : 4.4.x
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
livePreviewURL :
Nom du template : BuilderS - Construction Company Website Template
Description : 21: BuilderS Construction Company is a HTML5 & Bootstrap 4 Website Template. BuilderS offer 8 HTML files good-designed and fully responsive HTML5 pages such as home, project, service, about, blog, team, contact and single page etc. And also includes useful sidebar widgets such as search form, recent post, image, tab post, tag cloud, category and text widget.
Template Caractéristiques:
- Used Bootstrap
- Use Google fonts (Poppins)
- Font Awesome 5 icons
- Free Flaticon font
- 100% responsive design
- 8 pages HTML5 includes
- Well-commented code and Clean
- 100% Compatible with all major browsers
- Sticky and mobile friendly navigation bar
- Responsive header slider
- Animated number counter
- Blog with detailed page
- CSS3 animation
- Hover effects
- Bootstrap (accordion, pagination, and nav pills)
- PHP functional contact form
- - Bootstrap 4
- - JQuery
- - Google fonts
- - images
- - Font Awesome Icon
- - Flaticon font
Support :
If you need any help using the file please contact me via my profile. If you have a moment, please rate this item, I'll appreciate it very much Thank you.
Note :
Images are used for preview purposes only. The images will no longer be included in the main file.
advImage : 
Images incluses : No
Extrait : BuilderS offer 8 HTML files good-designed and fully responsive HTML5 pages such as home, project, service, about, blog, team, contact and single page etc.
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-monster_dark
Types : : HTML Website Templates ;