Sujet : Sports, Outdoors & Travel
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : ui template design
author_user_id : 2254640
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
Nom du template : Flight Word- Flight Booking Travel Agency Business Email Template
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Description : 24: Flight World is a unique1 best professional Adobe XD email template that is perfectly suited for any business emailer related to travel tour agency, flight booking solutions, travel business, and services company. Flight World Adobe XD Email Template is unique, clean, and mordern yet simple Adobe XD template design. This emailer template is designed with today's modern email design in mind. This template has 12 fully customizable pages which are very useful for travel business. Along with this, there are 3 templates component for festival greetings that can help you send festival-specific greetings to your customers.
Feature-Rich and Multipurpose Emailer
- 12 Premium Ready-To-Use Pages
- Powerful UI Design and Collaboration Adobe XD Template
- Free Google Fonts Use
- Clean and Minimal Modern layout
- Fully Customizable
- After sale support
- Designed with care
- Pixel Perfect Design
- Free images and icons
- Clean & Unique Design
- Fully Layered, Named and Grouped
- 100% Scalable Vectors
Screen Included
- Company Brief Emailer
- Products Offers and Deals
- OTP Send to Email
- Password Reset Link
- Registration Successful
- Flight Booking Confirmation
- Flight Booking Pending
- Flight Booking Failed
- Flight Booking Detail Ticket attached
- Flight - E-ticket
- Notifications Email
- Festivals Gretings
Type de Graphiques : Vector
Compatibilité : Adobe XD
Fichiers Inclus : XD
Extrait : ;s:18 Flight World is a unique1 best professional Adobe XD email template that is perfectly suited for any business emailer related to travel tour agency
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-ui
Types : UI Elements ;