Kit graphique Template icon maison de type Logo - ref 322209
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Kit graphique 322209 Info:
Référence:   322209
Type: Logo Templates
Auteur: MakeWays
Date de Création: 2023-03-15
Téléchargements: 0

Sources disponibles:

Logiciels requis:
Présent dans les catégories:

Prix: 24.00€  23.00€   Prix Exclusif : 1934.00€

Rechercher des modèles de site sur les mots clés :
icon maison illustration logo moderne signe symbole template vecteur réel biens graphique maison designe creatif construction entreprise business construction abstrait



Sujet : : Design & Photography
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : real estate
author_user_id : 78193574
image-key-features :
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1

Nom du template : ;s:5 Real Estate Logo Design With House and Location Icon
Description :

The logo features a bold and sleek design that seamlessly combines two iconic symbols: a house and a location pin. The house is depicted as a simple yet elegant silhouette with clean lines and angles, representing the idea of stability, security, and comfort. The location pin is superimposed onto the roof of the house, adding a sense of geographic specificity and emphasizing the idea of location and place.

Overall, the logo is a powerful representation of a company or organization that deals with real estate, management, or location-based services. It conveys a sense of professionalism, reliability, and stability, while also emphasizing the importance of location and place.

advImage :
Type de Graphiques : Vector
Compatibilité : Adobe Illustrator
Fichiers Inclus : AI
Extrait : The logo features a bold and sleek design that seamlessly combines two iconic symbols: a house and a location pin.
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-monster_dark
Types : Logo Templates ;
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