Kit graphique Template admin bootstrap de type Admin - ref 359391
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Kit graphique 359391 Info:
Référence:   359391
Type: Admin Templates
Auteur: realtheme
Date de Création: 2023-09-18
Téléchargements: 1

Sources disponibles:

Logiciels requis:
Présent dans les catégories:
Communications & Mobiles

Prix: 27.00€  26.00€   Prix Exclusif : 1934.00€

Rechercher des modèles de site sur les mots clés :
admin bootstrap chat propre conversation tableau-de-bord message messenger moderne soft talking html admin jury admin tableau-de-bord admin template sombre theme



Sujet : : Computers & Internet
: marketplace-membership : None
Tags : dark theme
Caractéristiques : HTML plus JS
author_user_id : 78233807
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
livePreviewURL : :

Nom du template : Chatflix – Chat App Bootstrap 5 HTML Admin Template
Description : 41:

Chatflix - Chat App Bootstrap 5 HTML Admin Template is a modern and stylish template for creating chat applications based on Bootstrap 5. This multifunctional template includes all the necessary tools for developing a functional and attractive chat application. Built using the powerful Gulp Toolkit, this template ensures optimal performance and ease of use. It supports both light and dark themes, allowing your users to choose the most convenient interface.

The key pages included in the template are as follows:

  1. Direc Chat: A page for one-on-one message exchange, perfect for private chats.
  2. Group Chat: A page for creating and participating in group chats, where users can communicate in larger groups.
  3. Sign In Page: A page for logging into the system, where users can authenticate and access their accounts.
  4. Sign Up Page: A page for registering new users, allowing them to create an account.
  5. Password Reset Page: A page for resetting the password if a user forgets their current password.

Additionally, Chatflix includes detailed documentation to help you quickly get started with the template and customize it to your needs. Whether you are creating a chat application for personal use or developing an app for your business, this template provides you with everything you need for a successful launch and management of your chat project.

Other features:

  • Light & Dark theme
  • Remixicon icon library
  • Roboto Google font
  • Intuitive and responsive design
  • Used the latest Bootstrap 5.3.3 version
  • SCSS source included
  • Multi-browser and mobile compatibility
  • Great documentation
  • No jQuery dependency
  • W3C validated code

advImage :
Images incluses : Yes
Extrait : 5:

Chatflix - Chat App Bootstrap 5 HTML Admin Template - is Clean and Modern Chat App Template, has Dark Mode, and Comprehensive Documentation.

Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-admin
Types : Admin Templates ;
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