Kit graphique Template charity donation de type Google Slides - ref 371558
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Kit graphique 371558 Info:
Référence:   371558
Type: Google Slides
Auteur: Biwarastudio
Date de Création: 2023-11-15
Téléchargements: 0

Sources disponibles:

Logiciels requis:
Présent dans les catégories:
Humanitaire & ONG

Prix: 17.00€  16.00€   Prix Exclusif : 1934.00€

Rechercher des modèles de site sur les mots clés :
charity donation fundraising nonprofit philanthropie volunteer social sang donation campagne organisation fondation communauté humanity humanitarian personnes donnant donner vie help



Sujet : : Society & People
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : fondation
author_user_id : 2213232
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1

Nom du template : ;s:6 Berbagi - Charity & Donation Google Slide Template
: Preview screens or video URLs :
Description : 65:

Introducing **Berbagi - Charity & Donation Google Slide Template**

Bebagi Presentation Template is the perfect tool to convey your charitable mission with impact and clarity. With a sleek design, customizable slides, and engaging content layouts. This template empowers charitable organizations, nonprofits, and fundraisers to effectively communicate their cause, inspire support, and drive positive change. Download it today and let your passion for philanthropy shine through in every slide.

This Presentation Template can be used for any variety of purposes, such as: Social Foundation, Fundraising, Philanthropy, Blood Donation, Humanity, Volunteer, Company Profile, Company Business, Technology, Creative, Corporate, Agency and also can be used for Personal Portfolio.


- 30 Unique Slides

- 500+ Icons

- All graphics resizable and editable

- Used and recommended free web fonts

- Based on Master Slides

- 16:9 Wide Screen Ratio

- Picture Placeholder

- Just Drag and Drop!

- Easily Editable!


- Google Slide.PPTX File

- Documentation File

**Note: All images on the demo is just for preview purpose only and not actually included on the files**

**if you like this template please give 5 stars**

Hope you Like it.


Biwara studio

advImage :

Images incluses : No
Extrait :

Template Contains Modern, Elegant, creative, Professional and Unique Layouts. This Presentation Template is amazingly fitting for your business and your company.

Famille de produit : None
template-icon : : icon-google-drive-slides
Types : Google Slides Themes ;
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