Sujet : Sports, Outdoors & Travel
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : confirmation
author_user_id : 1975606
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
Nom du template : StayHub - Hotel Booking Mobile App
: Preview screens or video URLs : 4: 
Description : With StayHub, buyers can achieve an unforgettable travel experience with incredible benefits:
Best Hotel Choices: Find accommodation that suits your preferences.
Competitive Prices: Save more with exclusive offers and discounts.
Ease of Booking: Book a room with a few taps of your finger.
Quick Confirmation: Get confirmation immediately after ordering.
Easy Navigation: Find hotels and locations easily.
Transaction Security: Transactions are safe and secure.
Trusted Reviews: Read trustworthy hotel reviews from customers.
24/7 Customer Service: 24-hour support for your needs.
With StayHub, shoppers can plan their trip with confidence, enjoy comfortable lodging, and save time and money in the process.
- 8 High-Quality Screens (430 x 932 px)
- Easy Customizable
- Well Organized Layer
- Open Source Font
- Free Vector Icons
- Compatible with Figma, Sketch, XD
- Please download and install the fonts before opening the file
- All images are just used for preview purposes only and NOT included in the main files
Type de Graphiques : Vector
Compatibilité : Sketch
Fichiers Inclus : FIG
Extrait : With StayHub, buyers can achieve an unforgettable travel experience. Best Hotel Choices: Find accommodation that suits your preferences.
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-ui
Types : UI Elements ;