Kit graphique Template wp plugin de type WordPress Extensions - ref 397132
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Kit graphique 397132 Info:
Référence:   397132
Type: WordPress Extensions
Auteur: expandup
Date de Création: 2024-02-26
Téléchargements: 0

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Présent dans les catégories:

Prix: 18.00€  17.00€   Prix Exclusif : 1934.00€

Rechercher des modèles de site sur les mots clés :
wp plugin wordpress plugin woocommerce wordpress filtre slider nouveau plugin ajax



Sujet : Navigation
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : new plugin
WordPress Builder : Visual Composer
Caractéristiques : Responsive
: wordpress-compatibility : 5.4.x
author_user_id : 78326152
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
livePreviewURL :

Nom du template : : Multiple Search Ajax Popup
: Preview screens or video URLs :
Description :

Enhance the user search experience on your website by providing segmented results! WordPress searches often deliver mixed content, sometimes displaying information that users are not interested in or that you would prefer not to showcase.

With our plugin, you can offer your visitors a search with segmented results. This means that, through a single search, users can find various types of content organized clearly, each separated by category.

Imagine having a blog, an online store (WooCommerce), and a custom post type for podcasts on your site. With our plugin, your visitor can find, in a single search, posts, products, and podcasts related to what they are looking for. The results are displayed in a popup divided into sections, each dedicated to a specific type of content.

This approach not only increases visitor retention on your site but also enhances the efficiency of the search experience, potentially prolonging the user's stay on your site.

Our plugin offers customization features for the popup, allowing you to choose colors that seamlessly integrate with your site's design. Moreover, you have the freedom to create as many sections as needed, and in each of them, you can make individual settings, selecting which types of content should be displayed, along with a range of advanced adjustments.

With a shortcode compatible with all major page builders such as Elementor, WPBakery Page Builder, Visual Composer, Divi Page Builder, Gutenberg, among others, our plugin provides flexibility in integration with your site.

Say goodbye to confusion. Provide segmented results for products, posts, events, news, e-books, courses, or whatever content you desire.

advImage :
Extrait :

Plugin for conducting AJAX searches and displaying results in a popup; the results are displayed in a segmented manner

Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-wordpress
Types : WordPress Plugins ;
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