Kit graphique Template bull et de type Stock Vidéo - ref 417284
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Kit graphique 417284 Info:
Référence:   417284
Type: Stock Vidéo
Auteur: Oleksandr_Yatsenko
Date de Création: 2024-05-07
Téléchargements: 0

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Prix: 8.00€  8.00€   Prix Exclusif : 1934.00€

Rechercher des modèles de site sur les mots clés :
bull et ours stock marché cetlestick charts marché tendances croissance et decline financier symbols uptrend et downtrend investissement vidéos marché



Sujet : Web
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : market charts
author_user_id : 78332311
image-key-features :
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1

Nom du template : Bull and bear pushing candles (4k, alpha channel)
Description : ;s:63

This video shows the images of a bull and a bear, which represent the dynamics of the stock market, with the bull being a symbol of an uptrend and the bear a symbol of a downtrend. The bull pushes the candles upward, showing the market's rise, and the bear pushes them downward, symbolizing a decline. The visual composition can include candlestick charts emphasizing the competition between the bull and the bear. The general background can be neutral to focus on the dynamics of the movement, and the colors of the candles reflect different trends: green for growth and red for falling.

Resolution : 4K
advImage :
videoFile : Main Track Length : 0:30
Video Fichiers Inclus : Video Files
Extrait : 5:

This video shows the images of a bull and a bear, which represent the dynamics of the stock market, with the bull being a symbol of an uptrend and the bear a symbol of a downtrend. 

Famille de produit : None
Types : Stock Video ;
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