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Kit graphique 61153 Info:
Référence:   61153
Type: WordPress Themes
Auteur: RockThemes
Date de Création: 2017-03-16
Téléchargements: 93

Sources disponibles:
This theme is widgetized

Logiciels requis:
Apache Server; For uncompressing a template ZIP package:
WinZip 9+ (Windows);
Stuffit Expander 10+ (Mac)
Présent dans les catégories:
Plus populaire  -  Sport  -  Voyage

Prix: 62.00€  59.00€   Prix Exclusif : 4604.00€

Rechercher des modèles de site sur les mots clés :



Sujet : Gym
: marketplace-membership : One
WordPress Builder : Cherry Framework 5
Caractéristiques : Team Members
: wordpress-compatibility : 4.9.x
Compatible with : WPML
: wordpress-com-compatibility : Not Compatible
author_user_id : 1768190
documentation-link : wordpress/projects/fitpress/introduction/index.html
image-description :

image-key-features :

Kind of shops : This theme tailored for a fitness studio, gym, sports club, fitness center society & people, fashion & beauty, business & services, sports & travel sites.
lastmod : : 2022-01-14T06:56:44-05:00
livePreviewURL : https://ld-wp.template-help.com/wordpress_61153_v1/

Nom du template : Fitpress - Fitness & Gym WordPress Theme
review_average_score : 4.5
Description : Want to widespread your first-class gym all around the globe? Tell the world about your outstanding services with Fitness WP Theme. It is a SEO-friendly, cross-browser compatible and fully-editable solution for a profitable fitness studio, gym, sports club or fitness center website. Related post tool will drive more traffic to your company's blog. Allow customers to pick a suitable time for an appointment with any gadget they have in hand. Cherry Schedule will help you to display gym events, clients will be able to check for an available time and date for their next workout session. Make a fully-fledged profile for each of your coaches with Cherry Team Members

This Fitness Site WordPress theme is WPML ready

What is it?

WordPress Multilingual design templates can be translated in numerous foreign languages with no difficulty, therefore making it possible to create a multi-lingual web .

Why is it Good?

WPML-ready WordPress web templates supply you with the freedom to translate pages, tag words, categories, and so forth in a range of various languages. This can make your website material simpler to comprehend for international purchasers.

Find fresh WPML ready WP templates here

This Sports Wordpress design template is Responsive

What is it?

This is the capability of the page layout to change depending on the width of the display.

Why is it Good?

Responsive design provides an improved UX for those people who view a website page on a phone or any other gadget, also enables you to boost positions of a website in Google results.

Latest Responsive WP themes here

This Fitness Wordpress design template is Retina Ready

What is it?

It is a website concept that encourages high-quality picture quality with high pixel density.

Why is it Good?

By using retina ready design templates your business site will undoubtedly be displayed nicely even on displays with the highest definition.

View more Retina Ready WordPress templates here

This Fitness Instructor WP template is Search Engine Friendly

What is it?

Search Engine Optimized web themes were specially designed to draw in online surfers and internet search engine bots to your webpage.

Why is it Good?

SEO helps to reach the top of search engine results and fit the ranking factors required by the most common search engines. As a result, your website is visible on the web.

View latest Search Engine Friendly WordPress templates here

This is Sport Teams WordPress template with GPL License

What is it?

GPL License permits users to sell the original as well as the transformed software.

Why is it Good?

Due to GPL license, you will go ahead and use certain digital products on the unrestricted variety of internet sites without having any hidden fees.

Find latest GPL License WordPress themes here

This is Outdoors& Travel WordPress design theme with Sample Data Installer

What is it?

Sample Data Installer is a component that adds a number of documents storing live demo content.

Why is it Good?

You don't have to search out an extra plugin or attempt to understand the best way importing tools of PrestaShop operate - Sample Data Installer will do everything to suit your needs. This instrument will let you install the basics and modify it based on your own business needs.

Newest Sample Data Installer Wordpress design templates here

This template is featured in the following editorial reviews:

Top 20 High-Performance Cherry Framework 5 WordPress Themes

60 Sports WordPress Themes to Pimp Up Your Website Body

: template-hosting-requirements : Memory limit per process: 64mb (128mb or more recommended)
Web Forms : Search Form
wordpress-engine : 4.7.x
wordpressgpl : 1
wp&woo : 1
tmPrime : 1
Language support : English
Notice : In case the theme is released under the GNU GPLv3 license the stock images used in this theme and its .psd source files are not included to the delivered package, as they do not fall under the GPL license.
isFree : none
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-wordpress
Types : WordPress Themes ;
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