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Kit graphique 61369 Info:
Référence:   61369
Type: Site Web Responsive
Auteur: RockThemes
Date de Création: 2017-08-09
Téléchargements: 69
Largeur: 1920px

Sources disponibles:

Logiciels requis:
Sublime Text2 or later, Notepad++; Adobe Photoshop CS+; For uncompressing a template ZIP package:
WinZip 9+ (Windows);
Stuffit Expander 10+ (Mac)
Présent dans les catégories:
Animaux & Chiens  -  Plus populaire

Prix: 47.00€  44.00€   Prix Exclusif : 4143.00€

Rechercher des modèles de site sur les mots clés :
horse club sport cours club membres plat obstacle hippodrome racecours championnat champions



Sujet : Horse Templates
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : training
Caractéristiques : Responsive
author_user_id : 1768190
image-description :

image-key-features :

Kind of shops : The theme was designed for horse club, equestrian, animals and pets, business and services, design and photography, medical, real estate, computers and internet sites.
Language support : English
lastmod : : 2022-02-18T1 38:06-05:00
livePreviewURL : https://livedemo00.template-help.com/wt_61369

Nom du template : Horserati - Horse Club Multipage Website Template
review_average_score : 5
Description : Horse Multipage Web Template is a must-have for those, who want to build a modern online presence for their equestrian business. It was supplied with over 30 ready-made HTML pages and you will be able to take advantage of them and present your horse riding services with style. Built with Bootstrap, this theme is fully responsive and will look as good on tablets and smartphones as on laptops and desktops. Professionally-looking design with black-and-white backgrounds is just what you need to tell the whole world about your business! In case you want to refresh or change the look of your future online presence, you can make use of rich UI kit and spice it up with various elements. Detailed documentation will help you to set up, customize and manage your website on the fly. Stylish film slider will provide for an impeccable presentation of your special offers, users will be able to get to know them within a swipe. Grab Horse Web Template to spread a word about your equestrian business!

TemplateMonster MarketPlace

TemplateMonster is a marketplace where you as a designer or developer may sell your Web Design Software, Website Templates, Design Elements, Plugins and Extensions. Become a digital products vendor and earn up to 70% from each sale.

This is a Bootstrap Horse Grooming web template

What is it?

Bootstrap is an open-source framework for crafting website pages.

Why is it Good?

Applying such type of framework considerably enhances the whole process of building web pages. Standard designs are really simple to transform, which provides a flexible and easy approach for developing website designs.

Find fresh Bootstrap web templates here

This Equestrian website design template is Responsive

What is it?

This is the capability of the layout to transform depending on the width of the display.

Why is it Good?

It is good because the website can be reached by more viewers from the vast number of gadgets.

Find more Responsive website templates here

This template is featured in the following editorial reviews:

50 best Animal and Pets HTML templates

width : 1920px
Notice : Some of the forms included (like booking, registration, comment submission forms, etc.) may require extra scripts and/or database functionality.
template-icon : icon-bootstrap
isFree : none
Famille de produit : None
Types : : HTML Website Templates ;
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