Sujet : : Business & Services
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : infographics
author_user_id : 1506970
lastmod : : 2020-07-24T05:03:47-04:00
Nom du template : Intellect Corporate Business PowerPoint template
: Preview screens or video URLs : 81800/81852-slide-2.jpg width=890>
Description : This design is made to represent your business online in the most favorable way. You can't but impress your potential customers with such a well-done PowerPoint presentation.
The set of unique slides include infographics, charts, diagrams - everything that you may need to show the strengths of your company.
Every single element is easy to customize, from adding your own pictures to changing the color of text or icons.
advImage : 
isFree : none
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-powerpoint
Types : PowerPoint Templates ;