Sujet : Graphics
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : podcast
author_user_id : 1483473
image-key-features : 8: 
isFree : none
lastmod : : 2021-10-30T06:26:26-04:00
Nom du template : TOMO Video Live Streaming Mobile App UI Elements
: Preview screens or video URLs : 
Description : TOMO Video Streaming UI Kit is a package for Sketch, XD & Figma which includes 20 high-quality iOS screens that you can use in handy to create beautiful, high-fidelity prototypes for getting started with video streaming applications. Each screen is fully customizable, exceptionally easy to use and carefully layered and grouped. It's all you need for quick prototype, design and develops any iOS or Android app for iPhone Xs..
ExcludeExclusive : Yes
advImage :
Type de Graphiques : Vector
Compatibilité : Sketch
Fichiers Inclus : FIG
Famille de produit : None
template-icon : icon-ui
Types : UI Elements ;