Topic : Graphics
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : : organic woocommerce shop
Features : Single Product
author_user_id : 937902
image-key-features : 
isFree : none
lastmod : : 2021-06-11T06:34:29-04:00
Name of the template : Flippy - Grocery Shop Adobe XD Mobile Application
: Preview screens or video URLs : 
Short description : Flippy - grocery shop adobe XD mobile application
Flippy is a great Adobe XD Grocery Store App designed for any grocery service business. It contains all 38 screens in layered and organized elements. Each screen is fully customizable, easy to use and carefully assembled in Adobe XD. This Application is ready to use on iOS & Android. Flippy was created for a shopping experience that solves people’s number one problem when it comes to searching for grocery: It removes the barriers that stand in the way of finding food they want. The app concept the UI kit supports is based on the ideals of:
- 1. Offering customers convenience
- 2. Being a trusted source of natural, high-quality
- 3. Full transparency
It also reduces the time customers have to search for food.
Flippy is a premium modern Adobe XD compatible mobile UI kit template designed for the Android, iPhone X/XS, and the iPhone 6/6S/7/8 running iOS 11 or later. It contains 38 high-quality pixel-perfect and well-organized screens and it's fully customizable.
Key Features Overview
- 38 Adobe XD Screen Fully Layered File
- 38 PNG App Screenshots
- 38 SVG App Screen Files
- eCommerce Application
- Splash Screen
- Login & Sign up Screens
- Grocery App
- Location Search
- Profile Pages
- Used Free Stock Images
- Notification and Menu Screens
- Pixel Perfect Design
- Clean and Corporate Design.
- Payment Method
- Clean, modern, multi-purpose design can be used for any type of website.
- XD Well Organized, with named layers and groups
- Easily customizable XD files
- Offering customers convenience
- Dropdown Menu Styles
- Retina ready (vector-based)
- Active and Hover Layers are included.
- Guides are included in Adobe XD
- Unique and Modern Style
- Designed Using Google Fonts
- Parallax Sections
- Being a trusted source of natural, high-quality
- Full Transparency
- Strong focus on design and typography, usability, and overall user-experience
- And many more…
Sources and Credits
- Fonts: Google Web fonts
- Images: Photodune
- Images: Shutterstock
- Icons: Flaticon
- Images: All Free Download
Please note that images used in live preview are not included in the package. If you have any questions please feel free to email via my user page contact form here. Thank you!
advImage : 
product Family : None
template-icon : icon-ui
Types : UI Elements ;