Topic : : Business School Templates
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : buyer analysis
author_user_id : 1425144
isFree : none
isLastAdded : 1
lastmod : : 2021-06-03T14:2 46-04:00
Name of the template : Buyer Persona Keynote templates for Business
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Short description : This is a set of 30 slides for MAC users, Keynote designed to create a report or a Buyer Persona analysis presentation. Use this template to create a marketing report or advertising campaign presentation. Included are 20 variations of pre-prepared color themes. All infographic and image elements are made with Keynote's built-in tools, so you can customize this template very quickly. Charts and graphs are edited using the Numbers spreadsheet program found on every MAC computer. This template is easy to use. You can use it even if you haven't had prior experience in creating a presentation.
- 30 infographic slides unique in structure and content to create a buyer persona presentation
- 20 Premium Color Palettes
- Instructions in PDF format
- The templates use the standard “Calibri” font
advImage : 
Images included : No
product Family : None
template-icon : icon-keynote
Types : Keynote Templates ;