Topic : Drink : marketplace-membership : One Tags : prestashop 1785 Features : : Right to left language support author_user_id : 1925995 Currencies : EUR image-key-features : isFree : none isLastAdded : 1 Language support : Polish livePreviewURL : https://demo74.leotheme.com/prestashop/vt_drink/ Name of the template : Wine - Coffee, Tea Drinks Store PrestaShop Theme : prestashop-compatibility : 1.7.x prestashop-engine : 8.1.5 : Preview screens or video URLs : Short description : Wine - Coffee, Tea Drinks Store Prestashop 1.7.8.x with smart design. It is super for Wine - Coffee, Tea Drinks Store comes with 03+ exclusive homepage layout demos, which are perfect for wine store, tea, Coffee, winery, drink, alcohol, agriculture, other wine-related products. - +3 home page
- Multi homepage, multi header and detail product
- Designed and completed with 7 layout styles for product detail page
- Prestashop’s default RTL: can use RTL of Leotheme or default RTL
- Shortcode widget
- Flycart
- Ajax cart
- Search ajax
- Quick login
- Appagebuilder
- Size guide modules
- Extra tab modules
- Zoom image product
Template Features- This Template compatible with Prestashop 1.7.x
- This Template is designed for desktop, all tablet and mobile devices
- Page builder Module: drag and drop, short code, landing page creator, custom field for product and category.
- Product list builder in home page and category page.
- Product detail builder and support 8+ product layouts.
- Live edit theme: change background, text color, header and footer style
- Mega menu module, blog module, responsive slideshow, video slideshow.
- Fly cart, wishlist, add to compare, product tab
- Css3, SVG icons used.
- Product Slider/Grid home page and category page
- look book module, product gallery module
- Social block: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest.
- Maximum load speed for google speed, SEO Optimization.
- RTL and multiple language support, translated into 6 languages
- Fully compatible IE11+, Firefox 2+, Firefox 3, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5, Chrome
advImage : Images included : Yes Excerpt : Wine - Coffee, Tea Drinks Store with smart design. It is super for Wine - Coffee, Tea Drinks Store comes Installation : ;s:8 Installation and set up instructions are attached (look for Documentation folder). product Family : None template-icon : icon-prestashop Types : PrestaShop Themes Video Presenatation PS (for XML feed) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygBwnWCPamM ; |