Topic : Graphics
: marketplace-membership : One
Tags : up
author_user_id : 1780942
lastmod : : 2020-07-24T06:20:31-04:00
Name of the template : ;s:3 A3 Poster Mock-Up product mockup
: Preview screens or video URLs : width=890>
Short description : A3 Poster Mock-Up
06 psd files
Poster size – A3
Resolution – 3600×2400 px
Editable via smart object – The background and items on scene are editable via smart object. Simply copy and paste your design and you are finished with a click of a mouse! You can experiment with different backgrounds or add custom textures etc.
Foil Stamping – Our foil stamping option allows you to input your desired foil stamping design and also manage the color of the foil. The choices are limitless!
Paper Texture Control – We’ve included coated and uncoated paper. Additionally, you can also alter the intensity of the reflections with Levels and Opacity.
Global Illumination – Global illumination is an option that allows you to control the shadow intensity by taking into account light reflected from surfaces on scene. Darker objects reflect less light and project darker shadows than lighter objects and now you have an option to simulate that effect.
Fully separated and movable objects and shadows
ExcludeExclusive : Yes
advImage :
isFree : none
product Family : None
template-icon : icon-product-mockup
Types : Product Mockups ;